The only player that comes in close proximity is Joel Embiid of the Philadelphia 76ers. Being the current NBA Champion, Giannis Antetokounmpo has earned each one of his 96 points overall NBA 2K Coins. His dominance will remain in NBA 2K22 for the foreseeable future.
Badges are an integral part of any MyPlayer build for NBA 2K22. These items can be the difference between a poor build that fails when playing offline or online and a high-quality build that can do the job. That's why it's important not to skip this section of the build, especially when looking for Defensive/Rebounding badges to run. If you're in need of advice on which badges to ensure that your build is equipped with take a look at our recommendations.
Centers and power forwards might consider putting this badge into the plans. Ball Stripper badge Ball Stripper badge lets the wearer increase the probability of forcing a turning point when trying to strip a layup or play a dunk in front of the basket. This can be a useful tool when weaker players are trying to take on the paint and be very helpful when trying to force turnovers.
Point guards, but most important, shooting guards, small and power forwards, should wear an Clamps badge. Clamps was possibly the most effective badge to wear in NBA 2K21 and it's back in 2K22. Clamps increases the holders' abilities to stay within the ball handler on the edge.
Clamps holders have access to cuts that are quicker and are more successful bumping an opponent's ball. This badge is pivotal for anyone who wants to have a chance of stopping sharp shooting guards and forwards who are prone to drop mid-range shots Buy NBA 2K22 MT. This badge will let you remain ahead of the pack, and , consequently, offer you greater chance of getting hands on the front of the line and stopping an unintentional shot.