There are ways to resist the machinations of social media overlords. Kannan recommends clearing cookies on your computer and using the search engine DuckDuckGo to protect your privacy. Unsubscribe from email marketing letters and unfollow accounts that tempt you to spend mindlessly. Reintroduce the payment process to online shopping by removing your credit card information from shopping sites. "My roommate joked that there was a courier every day," Kane said. "We live on the third floor, so every time the doorbell rings, you have to run downstairs." 03 "My shopping volume dropped a lot after I unlinked my credit card from Amazon."
…Sarah Kane. Much emotional spending is fueled by quick and easy access to credit. Kane has personal debts, and she is reluctant to say how much. "I was never financially educated in school and would overdraw and use credit cards without thinking," she said. Before Covid-19 hit, Kane had read Alex Holder's "Open Up: The Power of Talking About Money" and decided to get out of debt and pay off a large arrears. "I'm so happy," she said. But her emotional spending during her first quarantine, as well as summer dinners and drinks, pushed Kane back sms marketing service into debt. "I'm in debt again." She sighed. Most emotional shoppers don't think about their buying behavior in a meaningful way.